MD Aesthetics/Copeland MD. Durham's Premier Cosmetic Centre

Are neuromodulators like botox safe and what do they treat?

Most common treatment areas are:

  • frown lines and forehead wrinkles
  • crows feet
  • lines around the mouth
  • Neuromodulators are also used to lift the brow and corners of the mouth and contour the jaw-line and neck.

Are they safe?
Dr. Copeland has had over 15 years experience with Neuromodulators for both cosmetic and therapeutic indications. Neuromodulators have been used by doctors for over 30 years for many conditions including excessive sweating of the underarms, hands and feet (hyperhidrosis), migraines and conditions caused by excessive muscle contraction. Most common neuromodulators brands are Botox, Xeomin and Dysport.  Dr. Copeland only uses Health Canada approved products.

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